Food Safety Officer (Food Safety And Drug Administration Deptt., U.P.) Examination-2014 | Jobs in UP 2014
Food Safety Officer (Food Safety And Drug Administration Deptt., U.P.) Examination-2014 .This advertisement is also available on the Commission's website The On-line application system is applicable for applying against this advertisement. Applications sent by any other mode shall not be entertained. Candidates are advised to apply On-line only. In connection with On-line application, candidates are advised to go through thoroughly the instructions given as under and apply accordingly;-
1. When the candidate clicks "ALL NOTIFICATIONS/ADVERTISEMENTS" on the Commission's website the On-line advertisement, shall be automatically displayed, wherein there shall be 3 parts given as below:
(i) User instructions
(ii) View Advertisement
(iii) Apply
A list of all the advertisements will be displayed in which "On-line System" is applicable. The Instructions for filling "On-line form" have been given in User Instruction. The Candidates desirous to see the advertisement will have to click before 'View Advertisement' to which they are desirous to see, full advertisement will be displayed alongwith sample snapshots of ON-LINE Application Procedure. Click on "Apply" for On-line Application. On clicking "Apply", Candidate Registration will be displayed.
Following are the Food Safety Officer (Food Safety And Drug Administration Deptt., U.P.) Examination-2014 details. |
Name Of Organization | Food Safety Officer (Food Safety And Drug Administration Deptt., U.P.) Examination-2014 |
Number Of Vacancies | No. of Vacancies: Vacancies are presently 430 which are as under :-General-215 S.C.-90 S.T.-08 O.B.C.-117 |
Qualification | Essential Qualification : A Bachelor's degree in Food Technology or Dairy Technology or Biotechnology or Oil Technology or Agricultural Science or Veterinary Sciences or Bio-Chemistry or Microbiology or Post-Graduate Degree in Chemistry or Degree in Medicine from a recognised university, oranyotherequivalent/recognised qualification notified by the Central Government. Preferential Qualification: A candidate who has: {i) served in the Territorial Army for a minimum period of two years, or (ii) obtained a 'B' certificate of National Cadet Corps, shall other things being equal be given preference in the matter of direct recruitment. Provided that no person who has any financial interest in the manufacture, import or sale of any article of food shall be appointed to be a Food Safety Officer under these rules. |
Application Fees | 3. Application Fee : After filling in the 'Candidate Registration' format of the On-line application, the candidate shall procure the print-out of the E-challan in duplicate. The E-Challan will be used to deposit the fee in any of the branches of State Bank of India or Punjab National Bank by the candidate according to his category. The fee will not be allowed to be deposited by any other mode except E-Challan/l-collect The above fee, for Examination according to the category, is as under:-(i) Unreserved (General)-Exam fee Rs. 100/- +On-line processing fee Rs. 15/- Total = Rs. 115/-(ii) Other Backward Class - Exam fee Rs. 100/- + On-line processing fee Rs. 15/-Total = Rs. 115/-(iii) Scheduled Caste - Exam fee Rs. 40/- + On-line processing fee Rs. 15/- Total = Rs. 55/- (iv) Scheduled Tribe-Exam fee Rs. 40/- +On-line processing fee Rs. 15/- Total = Rs.55/- {v) Handicapped -Exam fee NIL + On-line processing fee Rs. 15/- Total = Rs. 15/- (vi) Dependents of the Freedom Fighters -According to the original category mentioned from SI.Nos.1to4, (vii) Ex-Servicemen -According to the original category mentioned from SI. Nos. 1 to 4. (viii) Women -According to the original category mentioned from SI. Nos. 1 to 4. |
Last Date to Apply | Last Date for Receipt of Examination Fees in the Bank : 11 August, 2014. Last Date for Receipt of Application : 16 August, 2014. |
Pay Scale | Pay Scale : Rs. 9,300/- - Rs. 34,800/- (Grade Pay Rs. 4200/-). Post: Non-Gazetted/Permanent. |
Official Website | |
Age Limit | AGE LIMIT: (I) Candidates must have attained the age of 21 years and must not have crossed the age of 40 years on July 1,2014 i.e. they must have not been born earlier than 2nd July, 1974 and not later than July 1, 1993. {II) Upper age limit shall be greater by five years for candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes of U. P., Scheduled Tribes of U.P., Other Backward classes of U.P., skilled players of U.P. of classified games and state Govt, employees of U.P. i.e. they must have not been born before 2nd July, 1969. Upper age limit for Emergency Commissioned Officers/Short Service Commissioned Officers/Ex-Army Personnels of U.P. shall be greater by three years more in addition to their completed service period. Upper age limit for physically handicapped persons of Society of U.P. will be greater by fifteen years i.e. they must have not been born before 2nd July ' 959. No relaxation is admissible in upper aqe limit for D.F.F. candidates. |
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