Walk in interview at Hidayatullah National Law University on 19th June 2014 for Assistant Lecturers.
Hidayatullah National Law University
Vill.- Vparwara, Tab. -Abhanpur, Dist. - Jaipur (C.G.)
Phone No. 0771-3057603, 3057604(O), 3057666 (Telefax)
Email : registrar@hnlu.ac.in
Website : www.hnlu.ac.in
Applications are invited from eligible and interested candidates for appointment of Assistant Lecturers in Law on purely adhoc basis for this residential University.Eligibility:
- LL.M. with minimum 55% marks
- Must essentially have Trade & Investment Law. Criminal Law. Procedural Law and Taxation as areas of specialization
- Desirable - XET/Ph.D./considerable teaching experience in above subjects.
Salary Rs.25,000/- p.m. consolidated (Rupees Twenty Five Thousand p.m. consolidated) plus free accommodation may also be provided in Transit Guest House of the University. Apart from it the University contributes employer's share of 12.5% (Twelve point five percent) towards EPF account of its employees.
Interested candidates should send their C.V. to "The Registrar. HNLU. Raipur" through e-mail on registrar@hnlu.ac.in under a copy to vc@hnlu.ac.in on or before 18.06.2014 and walk-in for interview on 19.06.2014 at 10.30 a.m. in the office of the Hon'ble Vice-chancellor alongwith two sets of Xerox copy of testimonials and their originals. No TA/DA will be payable. The candidates will have to make arrangements on their own for boarding and lodging.
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