University of Delhi Recruitment for Safai Karmacharis(Female) 2014
University of Delhi Invites Application for Safai Karmacharis (Female) May-2014
Name of Post : Safai Karamcharis (Female)
Job Location : Delhi
Age Limit : 40 years
Pay Scale : Rs.8,2501
Educational Qualification : VIII Pass
How To Apply: Interested person fulfilling the above criteria may apply by submitting their application on a plain paper addressed to The Provost. Ambedkar Ganguly Students' House for Women, University of Delhi Hostel Complex, Banda Bahadur Marg, Delhi-110009. The applications must be submitted along with the copies of relevant certificates/proof of
experience (the name, designation, address and phone number of the person with or under
whom the applicant has worked and is not related to him/her must be mentioned) and one passport size photograph. The application must reach the office latest by 15', May, 2014 by 5.00 P.M.
Last Date : 15/05/2014
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