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Vacancy Open at Inspiron in February 2014 Apply online on @

Vacancy Open at Inspiron in February 2014 Apply online on @

Vacancy Open at Inspiron in February 2014 Apply online on @

Career Opportunity

InspirOn is a professionally managed organization who believes in timeless core values, which, has helped us earn for more than 40 years a sustained market leadership in India for textile equipment and accessories InspirOn now aspires to attain similar status with respect to market leadership globally. To realize this ambition, we are in process of creating and strengthening R&D and International Marketing Departments We are looking for professionals with proven track record who can help realize this dream: they will be based at Ahmedabad
Head R&D (Code: RD/14/01)
This role involves leading a group of design professionals and will be instrumental in evolving new ideas for new products from scratch The professional will manage machinery development from concept to commercialization He will be responsible to lead a team for Design & Development professionals of Textile Processing Machinery & Equipment as well as other accessories for textile machineries.
Qualifications : Master of Engineering from reputed institutes
Experience : 15 - 18 years overall experience and experience in independently, successfully managing R&D department of at least 20 professionals. Must have handled diverse activities on machine building, design in general with main focus on mechanical engineering design aspects with an in-depth understanding of heat & mass transfer Knowledge of CAD|CAM|CAE. knowledge of textile equipment, especially in textile processing machineries is a huge plus Must also have a good past track record of developing successful & innovative products
Product Manager (Textile Processing) (Code: PM/14/02)
This role involves application areas of Stenter starting from smooth commissioning of Stenter and training operating personnel at customer end Helping customer in providing effective solutions, optimization and product related matters on Stenter / processing machines Maintaining positive and close interaction with market trends Understanding customers' future requirement to translate the same as new features on our Stenter / processing machines by teaming up with R&D department to ensure that we maintain our technological edge Capable of networking with associated suppliers, who contribute to the superior quality of substrate on our Stenter / processing machines in short provide value added solutions to customers.
Qualifications : Graduate in Textile Technology from NT / VJTI/ MSU / IICT or equivalent
Experience : 15 years actual working in textile processing on state of art equipment Processing technology knowledge & application in our machinery He will be required to coordinate with team of field sales & application engineers / customers to select right specification / equipment Helping customers to select value added products for application technology. Through objective trials, prove the superiority of features, technology and feasibility of various substrates.
Sales Manager (Code: SM/14/03)
Qualification: Diploma / Graduate in Textile Engg .(in Processing) with Diploma / Degree in Business / Marketing Management
Experience : 8 - 12 year for sales related activities like attending sales calls, tracking orders. Accounts Receivable collection, visiting customers / dealers, achieving annual sales targets. Understanding applications and requirements of customers in Textile Processing industry. Personal skills are equally important as the technical knowledge and candidate should be able to clearly demonstrate these traits Must be extremely customer oriented, diplomatic, flexible enthusiastic and adaptable Willingness and ability to travel at short notice Must be able to demonstrate a calm and measured approach to understand the requirement Candidate with international marketing experience will be preferred.

All the above positions require excellent communication skills - both written and spoken English, ability to work m a computerized environment, general management skills like accurate & timely reporting Interested candidates apply with CODE on envelope / subject line to:

InspirOn Engineering Pvt. Ltd.
Survey No. 320, Odhav Road, Odhav,
Ahmedabad - 382 415.  
Gujarat E:    

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